We offer accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, tax preparation, notary, and business consulting services.
Mona Moorjani, CPA, CGMA is the president of Wyman Resources Inc. and has over 20 years of experience in helping both businesses and non-profits achieve maximum profitability through compliance, best practices, and efficient accounting.
We are the leading certified public accountants and business consultants in Linden, NJ and in the State of New Jersey. Whether for an individual, a business, or a family, having a qualified and certified accountant or business consultant is a MUST.
Our licensed CPA’s are here to help your business reach its full potential, streamline the workflow from the HR department to your payroll, as well as get and keep your taxes in order. In our 20 years of experience, we’ve helped and continue to serve construction, real estate, retail, healthcare, transportation, informational technology, cleaning, and other services, as well as home offices and non-profits.